Cats are one of the most expensive yet fluffy toys that are not at all cheap. They are the expensive brat of living toys that not only spoils the cat owner with their fluffy touches in a cute fashion but also affect the surroundings in a healthy manner. The expectation that comes with cats includes the long list of cat foods and toys that bursts into the mind of the cat owner.
For your greater surprise cats seldom play with their toys, on the contrary, they are found quite relax and comfortable with the old corrugated boxes. In the present blog, we will try to sort out the reason behind the strange behavior of cats for not having attraction towards shiny and bright toys and getting more comfortable as well as cozy with the dull-colored old corrugated boxes.
Here, if you are wondering where to buy corrugated boxes than you have good news, you can buy custom corrugated boxes at wholesale price from Custom Boxes Masters that are one of the best online stores. Stop wonder where to buy cardboard boxes and grab custom corrugated boxes at wholesale price with trusted warranty and guarantee.
In the proceeding lines, we have pointed out some of the possible reasons behind the love of cats for their corrugated boxes homes. The reasons are illustrated as:
Sense Of Security:
Just like all living beings, cats are also born with then instinct of getting security in the first place. As human beings, security is one of the major as well as the basic needs of cats too. They can be the very reason why cats love to have a shelter that can remind them of their wild spirits and habitats when they were moving freely in woods. Before cats were getting used domestically as pets, they used to drag their prey into the caves of tree holes where no other predator can catch them eating their hunted food. This sense of security makes them comfortable with the surroundings of the corrugated box and they feel themselves in their primitive environment.
Temperature Retainer:
Temperature is one of the most required elements that a cat wants to be balanced throughout the day and night. Cats are extra fluffy as well as cautious animals so they require a bit extra temperature to feel cozy. The normal temperature that can keep them cozy as well as comfortable enough is between 97 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. As corrugated boxes are double layered and are meant to keep the temperature at a quite even place, corrugated boxes keep the expensive fluff well maintained at a required temperature.
Isolation Without Conflicts:
Biologically cats are quite isolated animals. They spend most of their time during the day as well as in night in sleepy condition. They like to spend their time in an environment where they can have silence as well as a cozy environment where they can fulfill their sleep requirements without any external interference and noise. In addition to this, cats do not like to have fights, quarrels, and conflicts.
They like to spend their time in an easy condition where they can retain their energy while sleeping. The corrugated boxes help to prevent them from the external tussles, noises, and conflicts with other animals as well as human beings surrounding them.
Smell Stimulation:
Stimulation of smell can be a basic reason for the love of cats for corrugated boxes. In primitive times, as it is mentioned in the above lines, the cats used to drag their hunted animals into the tree holes. The possible reason behind the love and comfortable behavior with corrugated boxes can be the stimulation of smell.
The corrugated boxes are derived from the trees so the smell of corrugated boxes and trees has similarities and this phenomenon can stimulate the sense of smell of cats that can make them cozy and comfortable with the corrugated boxes.
Enrich your fluffy experience now and then:
A bored cat is always destructive, is hyper, or can be tensed and aggressive. The behavior of cats can vary depending upon their surroundings. The best way to keep your cat healthy and active is to keep her busy. Cats like innovation and they often get bored too soon and easily. Often it is noticed that when cats fully explore their homes, they get bored with it.
The good thing regarding this issue is that the corrugated boxes are always recyclable. You can recycle the previous ones with the new one and can make the required changes now and then.
One more thing we would like to add in the whole stream of discussion is that the size of the house does not matter to cats. They can fit in any kind of box having any shape and size. Although cats can squeeze through the narrow spaces quite easily still you should make the bigger boxes for them so they can live easily in a spacious box.
If you love to have colorful houses for your cats then do not forget to use nontoxic paints for spray. In addition to this, you should also remove all kinds of staples as well as strings from the box that are being used in their making. You should also take care of the narrow and sharp edges so the cat’s skin would not get harmed by them. We will like to conclude the blog with the greetings and kind wishes that you can have some innovative information from our blog that can help in making your kitten experience happier as well as a healthier one.