Basically, there are two kinds of authorities in an organization; management and leadership. There is a fine line of difference between the two. However, both are in the managerial role of an organization. Management has their own part when its comes to business, however leadership impact on business, the other way.
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter Drucker.
As a leader, you need to make time for people working with you and set your priorities. According to the past management theories, workers have no interest in the success of an organization and its growth. They were motivated by money only. However, in recent years, it is said and proven that the workforce is an integral part of the organization.
The relationship between a business’s success and welfare is a motivated workforce that can be achieved by effective leadership. According to a recent survey by Twitter, 75% of employees rate teamwork, communication, and collaboration as “extremely important,” whereas only 18% of employees get communication evaluations at their performance reviews. The following are success factors for effective leadership that have an impact on business growth. The relationship with your fellow workers and the motivation of the people working under you is a major contributor to the success of your organization.
a) Making Time
The difference between leadership and management would be that a manager has people working for him, whereas a leader is the one who has people following him. You should consider them to be humans rather than just people who are there to achieve goals for you. You need to maintain a relationship with them, and take out time and effort for your people trying to discover their strengths and accept their flaws as no one is perfect. Consider these relationships with your workers as an investment. A recognized and motivated workforce performs better and helps in the growth and sustainability of your corporation.
b) Empathy & Respect
Leaders are smart people with big ideas and unique qualities. Being empathetic is one of the most important ones. This is one of the most important things as it means being able to understand the need of others and being able to understand what the other person is going through. The reasons empathy can make a great leader are:
- Creates bonds
- Teaches us to be understanding
- Helps you be a better communicator
- Look for people’s strengths
Everyone in the workplace has something to contribute to. Look for it, and delegate those tasks to them. This way, you give them an opportunity to do what they excel in and an opportunity to grow and learn. This helps them to perform better and increase business output and growth.
Another way of showing respect is to create equality. For instance, you use to have lunch together with your team. Then make sure, that all the members are treated equally. It is not good if you sit on an office chair and your teammates on a wooden one.
c) Share Credit
There’s an old saying that goes; there’s no limit to the good you can do as long as you don’t care who gets the credit. Always acknowledge all the people and the work they have done and made them feel recognized. As a leader, your responsibility is to shed light on others, stay back during the successful times, and step in when there is a crisis. The more credit you give away, the more it comes back.
“Try to give your employees most of the credit, and the level of motivation you will receive from them would be unbelievable,” says Mr. James Frank, a Senior Sales Manager at Premium Jackets.
d) Own Your Errors
It’s very easy to blame your employees for anything that goes wrong. The harder part would be to own your errors and take responsibility for their faults as well. Everyone makes mistakes, either you; or your employees. Set an example by responding to these mistakes in a way that would not only help your employees learn from you, but will also motivate them to work harder and efficiently, leading to better performance and increased growth.
e) Remember To Stay a Team
“The most challenging thing in an organization is to stay a team. The manager forgets the ‘we’ approach during success, tries to take all the credit. The employees forget them during a crisis and blame it on the manager.” says Mr. William Davis, a Talent Acquisition Head at Academist Help.
Not just calling yourselves a team, but acting like one is more important. The most successful businesses and organizations are ones where the employees and the managers themselves act as a single unit. Where leaders are willing to take the fall for employees and giving them credit in times of success. After all, that is exactly what leaders are for.
The ‘we’ approach is necessary for an organization as leadership is not an individual sport, rather teamwork. The best leaders are the ones that ensure the team morale remains high, and the workers are motivated to perform well. Leaders need to impact morale in a way that gives a sense of confidence in the workers, so they take a positive approach to their work and the organization.